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Importance Of EDUCATION

Education is the most powerful weapon use to change the world “said by, “Nelson Mandela”. It should help the people in many ways. Without education life is incomplete. What are the ways to know how to survive in the world? Only through knowing everything. It is learning something new. Let us seen below how it can use these ways for human and its importance.

role of Education


“Education is a boon”         

It has to outcomes from dark after independence of India. Now the people have to know the importance of that. It used in many ways how it is important for humans.

  • A good learning skill has made a men or women who lead a successful life in a world.
  • Improve the financial status.
  • It increases our self confidence level.
  • Boost our carrier.
  • It improves gender equality.
  • Improve our employment skills
  • Growth of our knowledge
  • Improves social life.
  • It is most important for women as a weapon to outcome from kitchen side to know more things and give more equality as like men.


Now a day’s government had a influence to provide proper free education to students. If the child worker is in our country it becomes ashamed of our country. In our 21st century child laborer become rare .Everyone should be educated it’s our motive of our government. Child laborer should ban totally in our country. Our government wish to every child has to complete schooling. And the government has to provide free schools and also give higher studies with some offers like scholarship are given by our government. In our country government has to provide loan for higher studies to help the people has to overcome from the child labor activities.


“Learning is Excellence of wealth that none destroy; To men ought else affords reality of joy” said by thiruvalluvar which means learning is a true  imperishable riches all other things are not riches.

People should not become illiterate. Literate people should become overcome from poverty and has to survive the world with good citizen. Literate people have many employment opportunities.  Through education we have to know the difference between the good and bad. Education is the key of success. Lead a life in better way compare with others only through learning. It Improve our skills and our knowledge level become more efficiency.


“Education is a foundation upon which we build future”, said byChristine Gregoire. Make a world to fill with beautiful things through explore with new ideas.Learning make man perfect to know everything. It is keyto success and survivesin the world.

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